As my husband and I sat parked in our car at one of my favorite locations to play Pokémon Go, I watched a young, smiling couple with their two children playing in the multicolored fallen leaves. I opened my passenger window to feel the warm, gentle breeze and smell the river nearby.
The mother raked up a pile of leaves with her hands and then placed her toddler in it to take her picture. At the same time, the father collected leaves and threw them in the air for the older sister to dance in. They all laughed and played together. I watched with joy rather than jealously, remembering the happiest of times when Tim and Tom were younger.
My heart welled up, and I reflected on how much I miss those days of innocence when life was full of delight with no hint of the struggles yet to come. I watched the family and wondered if they will they be prepared to face all of life’s vicissitudes.
Gracefully, a single leaf drifted into my open window, landing on my lap. It took my breath away, and I muttered, “Hello, Tom,” as the tears gushed from my eyes. In that moment, it was me and the boys playing in the warm, fall weather, blissfully ignorant of what was to come.
© 2019