You don’t get over the pain, you go through it. There is a way to the other side, but it isn’t easy. We have to allow ourselves to feel every aspect of our pain in order to get to the other side. This can be a difficult concept in the aftermath of a suicide loss. We all want to know what we can do to make the pain end. To wake up in the morning and no longer feel that gut wrenching feeling that reminds you of the magnitude of your loss. We need to be gentle on ourselves, and remind ourselves that moving forward after this type of loss is not easy and takes time. To think that you will no longer feel pain or sorrow is not realistic. We will always miss the person we lost. With every new memory made after that death, we are reminded that they are not here to share in the joy of the moment. Allow yourself to feel that pain. It is essential. It is a part of the healing process.
Validation there is no way to get over grief. I have complicated grief syndrome and at this point over 6 years later there is no way I feel I can get thru it ever. My daughter was alive 27 years 4 months and 7 days when she left us for heaven. She was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 at age 24 before that she had some trouble with anxiety and depression but had a worthless psychiatrist who never figured out the real problem. By the time we got her to agree to go to a good place in NC she was addicted to pain meds to try to self medicate. She was close to death by then They immediately diagnosed her correctly and in 11 weeks she had done generally well. Well so we were assured but she was an artist and teacher and lithium took her talent. She refused to take it and hung herself about 10 weeks later. Devastated is how we still remain.