We’ve talked a lot about signs and after death communication on the blog. I had a great sign from my parents on Easter Sunday. My husband and I had just parked our car after being gone all day, and as we were crossing the street to our condo, I looked up at the house we were walking by and noticed the first name on the mailbox was “Gayle.” I mentioned it to my husband as that is not a common way to spell “Gayle.” About 30 seconds later as we are crossing the street to our condo, I looked down and see one of those tooth-pick flossing sticks that my Dad loved so much. Whenever my husband and I see them (the seem to be everywhere and in the most random places!) we automatically think of my Dad. He had small cups of them in each room of the house and had them on him at all times.
My husband and I both looked at each other and smiled, and he said “what a nice sign from both your parents on Easter!” I felt like I haven’t had a sign from them, especially my Mom, in a long time. Signs from loved ones after death are such a wonderful way to continue maintaining a relationship with them. It was nice to get that on a day that I would have spent with them if they were still alive.
I really appreciate it when I get signs from my parents, too. You just know it’s them, it kinda stops you in your tracks. Thanks for sharing.
My Dad took his life this year. The day we had my Dad’s viewing, the family (immediate and extended) took a dinner break between viewing times and had dinner at a family friend’s house near the funeral home. It was a beautiful, slightly warm September day and we were all sitting outside on their deck. The little cousins were down to their skivvies jumping and splashing in the river, while some of us were sitting on the deck steps singing. My cousin Bridgette is learning to play the ukelele, so we started singing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”.
My Aunt Janette, my dad’s sister, saw a small plane fly overhead, one like my late grandfather used to fly. And low and behold as the plane flew over the skyline something caught my Aunt’s eye. “Guys, look up it’s a rainbow!” she said. Forty or so of us looked right up and saw a rainbow shaped upside down like a smile. No rain had fallen that day, it was all blue skies. My Mom nearly collapsed at the sight and we all knew it was a sign from above that Dad was ok, that the pain he felt from depression and anxiety was gone and that we too were eventually going to be ok. We told our priest about this at the next part of the viewing, and he included it as a part of his homily at Dad’s funeral mass. Whenever I am a low point in my grief I grab my phone and my home screen picture is that rainbow.
Hi Emily – what a beautiful experience! I got chills when reading it. I’m truly sorry for your loss but are so glad you found the blog. We appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us. I’m convinced that our loved ones do have the ability to send signs to let us know they’re ok. ~ Becky
I never believed in signs. That all changed the day of my husband’s viewing. He had committed suicide on the Thursday night before and it was now Wednesday morning. I am a night person. He was a day person. It was fair to say that if we had to be somewhere early he would always tell me to hurry up, we’re going to be late. I really hadn’t slept since he passed so I was already awake that day. My cousin who come in from out of state was staying with me. We were sitting in my bedroom talking about how I was going to get through this day & I then decided to show her something on the computer. A few minutes later I heard an alarm going off. I knew it wasn’t mine so I told her to check her phone because her alarm was going off. She looked at me and said that’s not mine and pulled out her phone to show me. I looked at my phone & it wasn’t mine either. I then remembered after my husband died that I powered his phone down & put it in our night stand. I then opened the nightstand and the alarm was going off on his phone. I swiped the screen to turn the alarm off and the phone was still powered down. The screen was completely black, no power, shut off. I asked her did you see the same thing I just saw? She said the alarm just went off on that phone and it is not even turned on! I immediately got the chills and in my mind I could hear my husband saying, get up and get ready or you’ll be late!! It was the first sign I had ever experienced from him. When my husband was alive we used to go to the cemetery a few times a year and place flowers and clean off his cousin’s grave who he was very close to and died when he was only 18. Every time we would leave he would ask me to play a certain song that he had me download previously. He would sit there in the car on the ride home and cry quietly. I had never heard this song before in my life and I had only heard it with him after we would leave the cemetery. I don’t see signs very often anymore but just the other day I had to have a procedure done and I couldn’t drive because of the sedation. My brother-in-law took me to the hospital and when I got into his truck, guess what song was playing??? I have never even heard that song anywhere, not even the radio! I knew he was with me that day!