I wanted to share a memorial tool that I’ve used several times during group grief counseling (Becky, Jessica and I have done this together as well). A memorial candle lighting ceremony with spoken verses has been especially comforting during difficult times, like the holidays, birthdays and anniversaries. We recently performed it at LOSS two weeks ago in a group setting. This was the first time that I was overcome by emotion and cried. It felt so good to get it out and feel a real connection to my Dad.
You can do this by yourself, or how I have done it—with a group (friends or family of your loved one who has passed). Everyone gets a candle to light, and then taking turns, read the verses below, which are copyright by Sherry L. Williams. After everyone reads a verse, take a moment of silence to pray or talk with your loved one.
As we light these five candles in memory of and in honor of you, we light one for our grief, one for our courage, one for our memories, one for our love, and one for our hope.
This candle represents our grief. The pain of losing you is intense. It reminds us of the depth of our love for you.
This candle represents our courage – to confront our sorrow, to comfort each other, and to change our lives.
This candle is in your memory – the times we laughed, the times we cried, the times we were angry with each other, the silly things you did, and the caring and joy you gave to us.
This candle is the light of love. As we enter this holiday season, day by day we cherish the special place in our hearts that will always be reserved for you. We thank you for the gift your living brought to each of us.
And this candle is the light of hope. It reminds us of the love and the memories of you that are ours forever. May the glow of the flame be our source of hopefulness now and forever. We love you.
After the candle lighting, we took turns reading verses from this poem by Paul Alexander:
“Light A Candle”
And I will light a candle for you
To shatter all the darkness and bless the times we knew
Like a beacon in the night
The flame will burn bright and guide us on our way
Oh, today I light a candle for you
The seasons come and go, and I’m weary from the change
I keep moving on, you know it’s not the same
And when I’m walking all alone
Do you hear me call your name?
Do you hear me sing the songs we used to sing?
You filled my life with wonder, touched me with surprise
Always saw that something special deep within your eyes
And through the good times and the bad
We carried on with pride
I hold on to the love and life we knew
Holidays are so tough—it’s when we should be surrounded by the people we love. And for us survivors of suicide, we are missing a huge part of our life, and it makes the holidays seem less important—less special. I hope you find some peace in the few things I’ve included in this post; for me, being able to express my emotions and have a connection with my Dad around this time of the year has mad e me feel a little more sane and in control. Please let me know if you decide to use the candle lighting ceremony, or if you have other things that have helped you this holiday season.
Beautiful, Linds! And i think it would be a wonderful thing for all of us to do in tribute to Ron. Thanks so much for sharing!
Dear Linda,
We have used this ceremony since 1996 when our daughter passed away at the age of 13….hit by a pick-up truck on her way to church to decorate for Christmas.
We have found it painful, yet healing and through the years we have added all the names of friends and loved ones that are no longer with us but were a blessing to us. I have shared this with others who have lost loved ones. I was pleased to find it on the web, as I did not bring my copy with me this Thanksgiving. Thank you for posting it and for sharing it with others. May they find comfort and peace. Have a blessed Thanksgiving. Gabriele
Thank you so much for sharing this. What a beautiful ceremony giving the opportunity for people to acknowledge all their feelings and memories and encouraging them to look forward whilst still honouring the person they have lost. I will be using it during a service of remembrance and thanksgiving at one of my churches. Thank you again – God bless you with his peace and with the assurance of his love.
I truly love your ideas, we are a new ministry at our church so I’m going to use this tonight at the group meeting,I,m excited already!!!!
I light this candle for my dad today ,HAPPY FATHERS DAD,I miss you so much I know it almost 22years ,that you are gone but it seems like yesterday ,dad I just want so much for my boys Paul,and Matthew ,you would of loved them ,dad,I want so much to be a winner in the plubishers clearing house ,so I can be able to do the things I dreamed of ,thank you for looking after me and my family I know you are tree for me ,I love you and is you ,please say hi to mom ,tell her I miss her and th boys are getting big